Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has grown in popularity over the years because of claims that it can benefit the body. So much so that it is subject to major health-conscious consuming discussions. There any many studies aiming to prove these benefits. While many of them are not conclusive, they do suggest that it promotes weight loss and lowers blood sugar levels to name a few. Today we will focus on whether or not it can cure acne and if you should consider using it.

Bacteria Fighting Properties

Studies suggest that ACV is a natural antibacterial. More specifically, it is shown to reduce bacteria by 90% in certain subjects. Acne, an inflammatory skin condition that causes severe pimples and spots, is often a result of Propionibacterium acnes. Propionibacterium acnes, or P. acnes, is a specific strain of bacteria that leads to the condition. While research pertaining to ACV’s ability to fight this specific bacteria are inconclusive, its antibacterial properties bode well for its effectiveness. Furthermore, the substances found within ACV (acetic, citric, lactic and succinic acid) have seen some positive research in fighting P. acnes. In saying so, it may provide relief from acne, but more evidence pertaining to its direct influence is needed.

Ability to Reduce Scarring

Skin discoloration and scarring are common side effects of acne. ACV may help remedy these concerns. The application of it to the skin is known as chemical peeling. This is a process whereby the acids in the solution exfoliate the outer layers of the skin and promote the development of healthy new cells. Succinic and Lactic Acid has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve pigmentation respectively. As a result, they may remedy scarring. That said, further research into ACV’s role in providing these effects is necessary to make a conclusive claim.

It May Cause Burns

ACV has a highly acidic profile. Although bacteria is not conducive to the environment that it creates, the skin may suffer as well. For instance, frequent contact with high concentrations of ACV can cause burns. While it is unlikely that you will lather yourself in it, the concern needs to be considered. One should never apply it to open wounds and, in the case of sensitive skin, dilute it with water.

In Conclusion

The specific acids found within ACV have been shown to reduce symptoms of acne. Furthermore, they may also prevent common side effects of the condition. This bodes well for its use as an effective remedy for the condition. However, one needs to be aware of the fact that use is not void of negative side effects. Precaution should be taken before application and results may significantly vary across individuals.


  • Combine 1 part ACV with 3 parts water.
  • Clean the face with organic face wash and lightly dry.
  • Apply the ACV mixture to the skin using cotton.
  • Let it sit for approximately 20 seconds before rinsing off and drying. You should rinse sooner if you experience burning sensations.
  • This process can be done 1 – 2 times per day. You should not exceed this recommendation as too much contact with it can lead to painful side effects.

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